Saturday, September 18, 2010

Simple Changes

Well there are a lot of people I know wanting to do the HCG diet. More power to you, just not for me. Quite simply put you will be taking HCG hormones and eating 500 calories a day (totally not for me!). I know for a fact I would be a raging hunry bitch just not a good combination. I have looked into it just to see what it is all about. Some of the major side effects are or can be Migrains ( I already suffer from those) and High blood pressure which is the first thing to go out the window when I get stressed out which are the 2 main reasons I have to say hell no to this diet plan. Lastly speaking with a good friend who had seriously considered this diet and went to her Dr about it (actually the same Doc I use too) she was told it is now being linked to cancer because of the hormone componet. Worried yet I would be. But everyone has to make there own choices and be happy with the, so to those who have done this and been sucessful congrats, its not for me. SO that being said here is my latest plan. 3500 calorie cut equals 1 lb of weight loss. My plan is to cut 500 calories from my diet and 1 soda a day (1 soda-170 calories so that should be a calorie loss of 670 a day) that should give me about 1.5lbs lost a week and its just a simple change. I just have to keep a food diary (hello weight watchers skill I learned years ago). Now this also doesn't take into consideration any exercise. My plan is to make simple changes and take it slow so it will stay off longer. I will do the calorie cut for about 3 weeks to a month before I seriously start throwing in exercise to the mix. It take a month to create a habit!!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

had to smile today

Ok as we all know I have a 2 year old son, who most days is the light of my life. Ah today not so much althought I think I got a few good smiles in. I am making a cake for a birthday party. The cake has been in the fridge all day untouched (12 whole waking hours for a 2 year old-not bad) I get home the little butt head opens the fridge and takes a handful out of the cake. Now normally I wouldnt care but it was for someone else. Lets hope the hubby can keep him out of it today. I have decided to stop using box cake mixes after this last cake ( I could not keep it from getting crumbs in my white frosting-so mad). I think I have figured out the problem it is the cake mix that uses oil. SO unless it uses butter I am not making a cake!!!!!!! This is probably better in the end for us all anyhow!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 3 and post # 3 for the week

Ok a bit of a cheat but I do still have 3 posts in for the week even if I had to do 2 today. Ever have one of those days from hell. Well today is it for me...My husbands hard drive in his laptop crashed new part 70 bucks, I got maybe 4 hours of sleep and have to work graveyards oh caffiene please keep me awake tonight, my son falls in my bed and I stopped the fall with my face (ouch....still waiting to see if it bruises or not, still very tender.) Upside to today is hubby made dinner (left overs but still I did not have to make it). I hope to the good lord I sleep tomorrow! As far as watching what I eat today was so not the day...Hubby got me a double cheese burger from BK and onion rings for breakfast I guess you would call it, spaghetti for lunch and a candy bar and sodas at work tonight. Well there is always tomorrow.

Opps I missed a post last night

AHHHHHH I missed day 2 of my goal. Oh well I will do 2 posts tonight ;). So with my new philosphy I will not beat myself up for missing last night I will just make up for it tonight. We we made some awesome spaghetti sauce last night, it was a collaberation between my husband and I. That being said I could not tell you what all went into it because I asked him to taste it to see what it was missing and he doctored it up when my back was turned. Well let me tell you it tasted even better tonight and I hope the same will be true when I use the left overs (it made a huge batch!!!) to make Veggie lasagna on Sunday. What other crazieness happened yesterday oh yeah my son hit his preschool teacher and got time out.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Well here goes day 1 of my goal!

So last week I said my first mini-goal would be to blog atleast 15 minutes a day each day that I work. Well today is my monday so I have met it because here I am blogging. Wooohooo! We did well so far this week, we had one meal out, the rest have all been at home. Today was a very good meal day. I made everyone and egg and 2 slices of toast for breakfast. For lunch my hubby and son fended for themseleves and found turkey sandwiches and apples (I skipped because I was at the laundry mat and had to sleep when I got home to work the graveyard shift tonigt). For dinner my husband and I had steak, roasted corn on the cob, dinner salad and rice. My son had and apple and 2 bananas (his choice I made him a small version of our dinner but I think all he ate was the biscut on his plate....but I will not complain because he got 3 fruits in one meal), he might have nibbled on his salad but not much. I brought in left overs for work along with a huge bowl of watermellon and cantaloupe which I have eaten half of and now I am so stuffed I might be a bit sick to my stomach...Note to self stop eating before you get way to full! As I type that I stick 2 more pieces of watermelon into my mouth. I wish I were home sleeping right now! Well only 2 more weeks I think of the graveyard shift not sure how I feel about that one but I will get a 4 day weekend to transition from graveyards to days which will be kinda nice. Not so sure what else to write today, the holiday weekend could have been much worse food wise but I was pretty good.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

And life gets in the way.....

Wow has it really been almost a month since I posted last. I guess so. Happy 4th to everyone. I will admit to the world I am sitting here eating the healthiest meal in the world right now, NOT! My dinner at 3am consists of chili dogs (yes I am having 2 of them) and a coke (not diet either). Atleast it is tasty. It has been a world wind of a month no exercise but atleast we are eating at home more thats a plus and I am really trying to get more fruits and veggies in the meals. I have been attending supervisor classes which have been really great. I think the one that will impact me the most was the class this week about time managment and balancing your work like with your home life. I know how to make a schedule and even a to do list. But the speaker was more about teaching you how to figure out what is important in you life and what is getting in the way. He also spoke about setting small goals and rewarding yourself for meeting your goals no matter the size of the goal. Thats the good of the month. Now for the bad.....My son got out of the house this week while I was at work, he is fine and we have taken steps to prevent it from happening again. However I wish people who don't even know me or my family would but out. I don't spread gossip/stories or crap about you around town. Kindly do the same for me. Beacause honestly the next person who isn't a friend I am about ready to tell them to take a flying leap!!!(Oh and thats putting it nicely). We feel bad enough about what happened please just let us deal with it and move forward. So my small goals for next week.....30 minutes of exercise on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. Blog for 15 minutes each night that I work. Thats all I am setting for now.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Learning to smile again

This comes from a conversation with the ex-boyfriend at the bar (I was not drunk). So he tells me to smile, and I told him I don't do that much anymore of course his response was I was married to the wrong man and I told him no he's a good guy and he says that doesn't mean he isn't the wrong man for me. So I tried to give it some thought and ultimately it doesn't come down to who I married I didn't smile for a long time before that. In high school I moved out of my mom's and didn't talk to her for about 2 years. I was raped by someone I thought I could trust and was a friend when I was 20 years old a month after that I dad was diagonosed with a very rare but treatable cancer which he died from 10 years ago on Valentines day. I went through a rough time for quite a while and so I have decided I need to learn to smile again. The question is where do I go from here? I could continue to make excuses because come on lets face I already know that I am an emotional eater. SO it would be really easy to hide behind it all instead of dealing with it head on. So some of the next few posts will be about this stuff. So here goes to learning to smile on the inside so it shows on the outside. Thanks BK for the reminder that I was once a happy and smilley person.

Good Times and Old Friends

Well I actually went to a bar alone this weekend to watch a friend from high school play in a band. Awesome music and great drinks equalls a totally fun night. Got to remember some old times. It is intersting how people remember things differently. I was apparently a tease in high school, never knew that about myself of course this came from an ex-boyfriend. Yes my husband let me go alone, actually he was trying to find me drinking buddies to go with but was unsuccessful and with a 2 yo at home some one had to stay home with him (as we could not find a babysitter either). So I am pretty sure that 4 tequillla sunrises blew my calorie count for that day, but it was well worth it.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Seriously ready for the weekend.

So ready for the weekend. It has been a long week! I did get to enjoy some major family time today which was really nice. My weight loss journey has taken a slight back seat this week. I cut my toe open pretty good and still can not put socks and shoes on, surviving in flip flops however the knees not so much. My husband has a hetic week comming up and I am working 6 days straight next week. I may hit the bar tomorrow night a friend is in town and playing at a local bar which is nice, maybe a few drinks and I would sleep more than 4 hours tomorrow night. Hmmmmmmmm maybe that will be a plan. Heres to a good weekend lets hope it happens then back on track next week;)

Friday, June 4, 2010

If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem! off topic.

Gotta get it out there. Don't complain you don't like something and nothing is ever going to change if you not willing to put any effort into making something change. Don't just depend on others to do the work for you then get mad when you don't like the outcome.

Friday, May 28, 2010

weight loss surgery

While I don't believe at this time this is the solution for me. I have had 4 very close friends who have been very successful with it. Go girls! But if you have the surgery own up to don't let people believe you did it all on your own it's nothing to be ashamed of. Ok I think 3 posts for tonight is probably enough ranting and raving for one night.

Why do people feel the need to....?

Why is it that I confided in a person once about my feelings towards my weight loss or lack there of, do they now feel the have free rein to give me advice on matters that don't even relate to my back. One was a few months ago at work I asked my boss if I could bring in a Yoga ball to sit on at work from time to time due to my back giving me problems and she tells me "you know when I lost my weight I stopped having back pain". Great for you but my back issue is due to a fractured vertibre and 2 car accidents that I suffered soft tissue damage now does my weight help it probably not but it is not the only solution to my problems I also must undergo chriopratic adjustments so that I stay in allignment and I am actually down to about 3-4 week intervals before I start haivng issues. The second instance was when I mentioned that my guys (husband and son) were home sick and she tells me well your working out right so you dont get sick and you know that if you have healthy hard working muscles you can carry a little extra weight, uhm what medical school did you go to (I think I will defer to my dr's opinion on that one). So I mentioned well last week we hiked two different trails in a couple of different national parks and she has the nevre to tell me well thats not a work out...Ok for my fat ass it most definately is plus it wasnt like we just strolled along we hike at a pretty good pace and chased (seriously) a two year old around the trails. Give a girl some Kuddos for getting her but up off the couch for almost a whole day of hiking and exploring. Nope instead she tells me I need to be running (now I was in track in jr. high) but I have never really been a Runner and I will never be one, I have knee joint issues already and a history of rhumatory arthritis in my family so I would like to do what I can to preserve what I can. Many may think I keep making excuses but there is a lot I can do I bike and I can do elipticals. I have some issues with the treadmill but I do push myself to do that and sometimes it takes alot out of me to hike but I get out there an do it. So I know many of you are thinking just talk to this person. I would but I am afraid of her did I mention she's my boss.

Well no working out 2 days so far this week.

I work the graveyard shift and find it really difficult to be motivated to head to the gym when I get off of work at 6am. It problaby wouldn't be so bad but I got no sleep yesterday or today. While I would like to blame it on my 2 year old he was really good last night and left me alone, even curled up with me for a 2 and half hour nap although I ended up being a wake the whole time. I am hopeful to attempt it tomorrow morning but with the unhappiness I am currenlty feeling at work it is all I can do just to show up there these days. I love my job but I HATE being a supervisor right now and I am only doing what I have to just to get by because no matter what I do these days I can not seem to please anyone at work especially my direct boss. I am starting to think the pay cut of about 50 cents an hour may just be worth it to step down. Less stress would mean a happier home life. I actually started to get angry at my son over something that yes was emotional to me but how would a 2 year old know that when he lost my strand of pearls (so they were on the bathroom floor) that it would be the end of the world to me and make me that angry, now don't go thinking I did something rash I did not but I just felt that anger inside and I did not like it one bit. I will need to make a decision in the near future because I am determined not to let my job affect my home life anymore.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My love affair with the Egg Mcmuffin!

So when I thought about creating this spot. I though why did I gain all the weight I did? Why do I eat what I eat. I was a picky eater growing up but I wasn't heavy really! Light bulb my mom was on weight watchers lost a lot made lifetime memember (Go Mom!) so what did we eat as kids, weight watchers recipies! So my love affair with the Egg McMuffin began my Senior year in high school when you could get them 2 for 2.00 (1995....long ago I know). I would get a ride to school from my friend Laurie and we would stop a McDonalds every morning because it was cheaper than school breakfast and lets be honest tasted oooohhhhhhh so much better and that was when it began. To this day I still love Egg McMuffins and even the sausage ones too. My husband is no help either because he likes them to. So I know need to figure out how to make them at home and better for me and hopefully cheaper! So english muffin no big deal cheese no big deal, canadian bacon no big deal...It is all about the egg prepration I do believe because scrambled just doesn't cut it and how do they make them to fit perfectly on the english muffin? Ahhhhh McDonalds on the way home, that might be sabatoge!

Welcome to the fat white bitch

OK I will admit I am fat, I am white and have been know to be a bitch! All that said I have been trying (not that hard) to lose weight. I have come to the conclusion that there are many options out there that work for lots of people but I don't want to DIET (that's a bad word in my house). I dislike exercise exercise! So here is the delima I want to loose weight but I don't want to diet, I don't want to have surgery and I don't want to go on medication. I have done weight watchers and been some what successful until I stopped journaling and weighing in every week. I lost 50 plus pounds before my wedding on my own OK so the motivation was to fit into my wedding dress but still on my own. I did keep a food log and I did exercise. So I thought to myself how about blog. This is a no holds barred blog but I will now allow people bashing on this site. I will try to post daily but as we all know like may get in the way! I will post recipes that I like feel free to leave comments with recipes or email them to me.

Have a wonderful day!