Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Learning to smile again

This comes from a conversation with the ex-boyfriend at the bar (I was not drunk). So he tells me to smile, and I told him I don't do that much anymore of course his response was I was married to the wrong man and I told him no he's a good guy and he says that doesn't mean he isn't the wrong man for me. So I tried to give it some thought and ultimately it doesn't come down to who I married I didn't smile for a long time before that. In high school I moved out of my mom's and didn't talk to her for about 2 years. I was raped by someone I thought I could trust and was a friend when I was 20 years old a month after that I dad was diagonosed with a very rare but treatable cancer which he died from 10 years ago on Valentines day. I went through a rough time for quite a while and so I have decided I need to learn to smile again. The question is where do I go from here? I could continue to make excuses because come on lets face I already know that I am an emotional eater. SO it would be really easy to hide behind it all instead of dealing with it head on. So some of the next few posts will be about this stuff. So here goes to learning to smile on the inside so it shows on the outside. Thanks BK for the reminder that I was once a happy and smilley person.

Good Times and Old Friends

Well I actually went to a bar alone this weekend to watch a friend from high school play in a band. Awesome music and great drinks equalls a totally fun night. Got to remember some old times. It is intersting how people remember things differently. I was apparently a tease in high school, never knew that about myself of course this came from an ex-boyfriend. Yes my husband let me go alone, actually he was trying to find me drinking buddies to go with but was unsuccessful and with a 2 yo at home some one had to stay home with him (as we could not find a babysitter either). So I am pretty sure that 4 tequillla sunrises blew my calorie count for that day, but it was well worth it.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Seriously ready for the weekend.

So ready for the weekend. It has been a long week! I did get to enjoy some major family time today which was really nice. My weight loss journey has taken a slight back seat this week. I cut my toe open pretty good and still can not put socks and shoes on, surviving in flip flops however the knees not so much. My husband has a hetic week comming up and I am working 6 days straight next week. I may hit the bar tomorrow night a friend is in town and playing at a local bar which is nice, maybe a few drinks and I would sleep more than 4 hours tomorrow night. Hmmmmmmmm maybe that will be a plan. Heres to a good weekend lets hope it happens then back on track next week;)

Friday, June 4, 2010

If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem! off topic.

Gotta get it out there. Don't complain you don't like something and nothing is ever going to change if you not willing to put any effort into making something change. Don't just depend on others to do the work for you then get mad when you don't like the outcome.