Friday, January 28, 2011

Fragile state of mind

Man alive, I do not know what the heck is going on with me lately.....I would really love to blame it on my reading materials right now but somehow I don't think that is the case. I have been super moody and doing a lot of crying. I guess it could do with alot of the self reflection I have been doing in the last few days. I am greatful for my wonderful son and understanding husband. However I feel like I have a huge hole in my heart. I feel like anything could just push me past the breaking point and the sad thing is I feel like me not addressing the problems of the past properly is what has lead me to the weight gain. On the bright side I am greatful to report that I have lost 7.1 lbs since my last posting. Honestly I can only attribute it to the careful attention to cutting my portion sizes down and stopping when I am not hungry anymore instead of eating until I am stuffed.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bye Bye 2010 hello to a slimer 2011

So I definately did not keep up this blog like I wanted to last year. We had much crazines in the year and I am hopeful that this year is different. While I know some things will not change overnight, I do know they will change as will my weight. I finally put a new battery in my scale and actually got on it and weighed myself. Not happy with the results but the reality is I don't plan on staying this weight. I am working to implment some me time each day which will be my exercise time. I am not sure but I think I will be doing this first thing in the morning on my days off so I don't have the excuse of my son being up or in the way. On the days I work I will just have to do it when I get home (only one of those do I have to worry about my son being up) so I may just take Sunday's off or make my son (3 years old, like he would complain) go on a hike with me, we are only 2 blocks away from the forest.