Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year New me

Well I am hoping for a new me this year. Got to spend some much needed girl time with my friends last night. They are going to start the 6 week body make over next week and roped me into trying it too......But it wasn't that hard of a sell it's one that I have thought about off and on a few times over the years. I think it will be easier with 4 of us trying it so we have support for each other....The nice thing is that we all did the body type test and 2 of us are a type A and 2 of us are a type B so we have some built in support for each other with our eating plans. While I was probably hesitant at first I think it maybe something obtainable. One thing us girls talked about was really getting to the root of why we eat and not just the excuses of why we eat.....I wish us all the best of luck on this eating plan....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

welcome 2012

Well I finished 2011 by falling on the ice, so no working out today. I am hoping to get my lazy butt out of bed by 4am so I can work out before work tomorrow....This year has already started out with lots of changes at work....I am doing about a 3 week schedule change from days to graves and then I will be back to my old day schedule....I am going to try to keep up with my work outs during this time....I have had a few cheats on my no soda rule but have found I really don't miss them much. The first month was hard but I am now about 7 weeks and can say that I have had maybe 6 soda's total. Here is to a happier and healthier new year!