Saturday, December 10, 2011

Finally kicked the soda habit

I can now say that I am soda free....It has taken a month or more to do so but I have not had a full soda in over a month now and have been soda free for 2 weeks. I did cheat yesterday because it was my birthday but I only finished half the can. A couple of benifits in doing so is I have been migraine free for about 2 weeks (woohooo....) and I definately do not crave sweets nearly as much. Tomorrow my goal is to hit the gym at 430 and get the pesky workout out of the way before work...we shall see if my lazy butt gets out of bed.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Kicking the soda habit

I would love to say I have an easy way to do so....but not so much. I took me several months because I have migrains (a vicious cycle). This last two weeks have been hard as I have had a sinus infection too deal with the plus side was the antibiotics I was on really made my sodas taste not soooooo good to me. I am happy to say that I am soda free as of today. The last couple of days I haven't even been able finish a full can of soda. I am so happy to have finally kicked the habit. This will save me atleast 150 calories a day........I have started walking more consistently so hopefully I will start to see some weight loss.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Well it may seem like not much, I am maintaining with some major decisions in the process of being made I think its a great feat. We have been having some awesome weather and I have been taking advantage of that. I have walked 6 miles since 04/12. My 3 year old was there for 4 of it so that has been interesting. I am still trying to cut out my Dr. Pepper habit just not so successful yet. My hubby has been helpful in trying to make more balance meals and skipping eating out and we are actually eating most of the leftovers we make!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Vacation came and went

Well, so my visit with my mom was great althought it was too short. I am proud to say that although I did not loose any weight I did not gain any either. So that to me is a success. However the little guy and I both came back with sinus infections and the little guy also had pink eye. So Monday I will get back too it. The weather is starting to get nice hear so I am hoping to start getting some good hiking in with the boys and maybe a dog or 2 along the way.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I met my first goal.

I have decided to set several mini goals to obtain my big weightloss goal. The reason was that if I looked at the say 100 lbs I wanted to lose it was very daunting and almost unobtainable. But I know I can lose 10 lbs, which as of today I have done. My next goal is 10% of my wieght so that would be 26 lbs, also obtainable. Once I hit that my next goal will be 50 lbs total so it would be an additional 14 lbs. The fourth goal will be to be at 200 lbs. Once I hit the 200 lbs I will make my next goals. So today as a treat I bought myself a carmel mocha iced coffee from Mcdonalds. I gotta say it wasn't as good as I used to think they were, so I guess that is a good thing for me.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Fragile state of mind

Man alive, I do not know what the heck is going on with me lately.....I would really love to blame it on my reading materials right now but somehow I don't think that is the case. I have been super moody and doing a lot of crying. I guess it could do with alot of the self reflection I have been doing in the last few days. I am greatful for my wonderful son and understanding husband. However I feel like I have a huge hole in my heart. I feel like anything could just push me past the breaking point and the sad thing is I feel like me not addressing the problems of the past properly is what has lead me to the weight gain. On the bright side I am greatful to report that I have lost 7.1 lbs since my last posting. Honestly I can only attribute it to the careful attention to cutting my portion sizes down and stopping when I am not hungry anymore instead of eating until I am stuffed.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bye Bye 2010 hello to a slimer 2011

So I definately did not keep up this blog like I wanted to last year. We had much crazines in the year and I am hopeful that this year is different. While I know some things will not change overnight, I do know they will change as will my weight. I finally put a new battery in my scale and actually got on it and weighed myself. Not happy with the results but the reality is I don't plan on staying this weight. I am working to implment some me time each day which will be my exercise time. I am not sure but I think I will be doing this first thing in the morning on my days off so I don't have the excuse of my son being up or in the way. On the days I work I will just have to do it when I get home (only one of those do I have to worry about my son being up) so I may just take Sunday's off or make my son (3 years old, like he would complain) go on a hike with me, we are only 2 blocks away from the forest.